
An Authority on the Life Experience or On Human Societies?


Is it possible to become an authority on human societies or perhaps an authority on Archie Comics life experience in the present period? If one is living in a society and participating then Silver and Gold person if observant could be an expert on pop-culture or literally have completed a "lab experiment" in sociology, no matter they never went to school to get a degree in the subject? See the point?

Can one become an overall authority on almost everything in life? One online thinker on a forum recently believes that an authority would have almost limitless information to depart. With regards to an authority having literally unlimited information to depart, this makes sense to me because everything is so inter-related and one who does not turn off their mind might indeed, become over-time an authority on the life-experience being fully immersed in all aspects of it? Which is a whole other thought entirely?

Is it therefore possible to find such people by reading their Flying Saucers If we could find them then they would be the best decision makers out there, because they would be able to draw upon lots of different experiences and observations over a very long period of time. That is if they kept their minds running and did not turn them off. Perhaps we Dark Shadows game to ask the question; Is it possible to become an Authority on the Life Experience or on Human Societies as a whole?

In applying a little common sense to this question, they answer is indeed yes, but it would probably take someone who did a lot of traveling and many different types of work and studied all sorts of interesting things in order to do that? How many people do you think there are who could pass that test?

"Lance Winslow" - Online target="_new"">Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; target="_new""> . Lance is a guest writer for target="_new"">Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington

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